Saturday, April 27, 2013

Zakat: Donate from the Heart

The third pillar of Islam is zakat, the obligatory 2.5% or more donation of ones net savings. The word zakat means purification. We muslims believe  that all things belong to God, therefore, our wealth is only given to us by God, and it doesn’t truly belong to only us. We also believe that wealth becomes pure if we give some of it away, and giving a way some of it helps to keep us from getting greedy, or selfish. Muslims in primarily islamic countries would give it to the state, but we can give it to our mosque. The money is usually used for the poor: soup kitchens, clothing, shelter, orphanages and more. The Qur’an also talks about other ways to use it. For example: ransoming Muslim war captives, education, and health. Zakat is not just the obligatory 2.5%--it’s a reminder to donate all the time. Try to help charities that speak to your heart. Many women in developing countries do not have the oppurtunity for education, or jobs; a lot Muslim women are not considered equal to men, and are treated badly. Islam is not about women being less then men-- don’t let Mulsim ‘laws’ keep you from helping women. Other places to donate to are organizations to help orphans find homes, or provide food for the homeless.
Here are some easy places to donate to:


  1. The Zakat is an act that requires Muslims to give 2.5% of their wealth to good causes each year. This can be advantageous to the community for obvious reasons, notably as local services are having funds cut during this period of austerity....Click Here
